January 2022

I have not seen a psychiatrist since my former one retired early on in 2021. I really need to see one soon because I need someone to talk too. I am being denied this service probably because I am not a fan of the Trudeau government & I won’t join the CAF, CSIS or the RCMP. Anyhow if you are reading this say a little prayer for me. What else is going on? As you probably know there is the Russian & Ukraine thing going on right now & no one knows how it will unfold. Hopefully it ends peacefully.


I just remembered this after I went to sleep. In one reality I seen in my dreams Canada ends up siding with Russia, Chine, & North Korea. I would go on but I am tired maybe I will write it all out in the next entry. Also like I said it was just a dream & a very bad one.

The second book of “Bears Falling From Trees With Erections” is out & can be bought on Amazon. Hopefully more people will read this one & then go & get the first one. Also in the future the publisher might make them into hard covers which would be really cool I think. I tried to stay anonymous in the building I live in but my friend whom I gave a book to for Christmas loaned it out to someone else & they are now reading it. There are others in the building who are going to order them as well.

I spend a lot of time watching YouTube & I watch all sorts of things. Lately, these last 4 months I have been watching dog rescues done by https://www.hopeforpaws.org The also rescue other critters but it’s primarily dogs. Too bad there isn’t something like this in Lethy or Calgary even though I no longer live there. Anyhow this is supposed to be just a little post so I think I’ll end it here.

Click the following link to get book 2 or even better yet get both if you have not read them yet. https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=bears+falling+from+trees+with+erections&crid=2XG3QUIHYS110&sprefix=bears+fa%2Caps%2C115&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_8